Melbourne Celebrant Diary #6

Top Five Hungover Movies

(aka movies to watch the morning after your wedding ceremony).

The Shawshank Redemption

It’s a God-damn classic. Every scene is a closer. Every actor is perfectly cast.

It is old-fashioned movie making mixed with modern technology.

Jump in halfway and there’s no way you aren’t staying until Red is walking along the shores of some Mexican beach that I can’t pronounce and I’m too hungover to look up.

In Bruges

The dreamlike feel of this movie slots up perfectly with any hungover state.

The chemistry between Colin Farrell and Brandan Gleeson is top-notch, as is the almost unintended humour.

Apparently, the film saw a spike in tourism for Bruges, even though the movie shits on the city every opportunity it gets.



“Do you like dags?” 

Brad Pitt has starred in bigger (probably better) movies, but has he starred in anything this funny??

It’s Guy Ritchie at his peak. And although my fave of his is still ‘Lock Stock’, this is a mighty close second.

The pikies are hilarious, and still probably easier to understand than most Welsh and Irish folk.

There’s actually an easter egg on the DVD which gives you subtitles while they’re speaking. Genius.



The funniest and most relatable high school movie ever made. At least that’s true from a guy’s perspective. I guess Mean Girls might be a female equivalent? That one is also a contender.

I remember in my mid 20s we’d always come home after fifteen beers and a dozen tequila shots and chuck this in a DVD player.

Everyone would fall asleep around about the time of the infamous period blood scene (based on a true event, apparently).

They tried to redo this with a movie called Booksmart. It was hyped as being better than Superbad

Not even close.


Father of the Bride

I couldn’t have a list like this without a wedding movie.

I saw this for the first time at Safety Beach Drive-in. For some reason it makes me emotional. Time is running out for me to be a Dad (as is my sperm count) and the fondness he holds for his daughter… it’s genuine. 

Sure, it’s a standard slice of America suburbia. But Christ, we are hungover here, right?

No one wants to watch Shakespeare when you’ve just had your second spew.