Plucky Meatballs

The Wedding of Georgie & Daniel

The first time experiencing something new can be a daunting experience. Making love. Buying a home. Unwrapping the plastic off a Chupa Chup.

Thankfully popping my celebrant cherry held no such misgivings. It was glorious afternoon made all the more memorable by two delights of the human race; Georgie Plunkett (the bride) and Daniel Besliev (the groom).

Georgie’s a marvel. She has a chilled ‘let’s roll with it and see what happens’ demeanour that echoes her country roots. She fits the triple treat every guy adores in a girl; humour, beauty and a healthy indulgence for Shiraz.

I’ve had the privilege of knowing Daniel since 2009 when we bonded over a mutual respect for the films of Dolph Lundgren. He’s a magnetic character (Dan, not Dolph), which is in large part due to his delicious personality and remarkable stubble.

Panama Dining Room in Smith Street was the setting. It’s a delicious venue that overlooks a sea of pointed beanies and handlebar moustaches.

The ceremony glided along gorgeously. The bridesmaids made the walk down the aisle look like a French fashion shoot. The rain which threatened to derail the photos held off. And Melbourne was up by a goal against Port early in the first quarter (didn't last. Vintage Dees).

Being invited to the reception was a wonderful bonus. So too was the venue being a short stroll from my house. Throughout the night I paused to grin seeing the patriarch of the Besliev household, Lou, playing with his grandchildren. What a delight. I didn’t get the chance to speak to him or discuss our recipes for lute pepeci (a Macedonian staple), but I love what he’s about.

The night also contained a wicked mixture of partymakin' guests, all of which made the most of Georgie and Daniel's hard-earned at the bar tab. I can't remember many names, but the pleasure was mine making acquaintance with Sam and Phoebe, handsome groomsman Adrian Mascia, and future wife Amy Batchelor.

Proceedings wrapped up at 10:30PM and we ended up retiring to our respective beds for a long, well-deserved Sunday sleep-in.

Not really. Many of us continued the march along Smith Street. To cut a long story short, a random person ended up vomiting in my house at 4AM the next morning. While I’m sure hurling your dinner is considered a sign of respect in many South American cultures, I don’t really dig it.

I did manage to clean the mess using large quantities of bicarb soda, though it has left a huge stain which looks like I murdered someone and the police have drawn an outline of the body.

But that’s a ditty for another day.

Georgie and Daniel – you both really are ‘plunky meatballs’. What a thrill it was to be involved on your super spesh day. I love you both and look forward to our Dolph Lundgren movie marathon night (list includes - but not limited to - Universal Solider, Rocky IV, Masters of the Universe).

Lots of love
Paul Bonadio – a Stand-up Celebrant
0417 502 921